The getKendoDataSource method creates a KendoUI Datasource from a set of data retrieved using the other report API functions.
getKendoDataSource (data, asGrid, columnList, schema)
data : JSON
The data to be used for the KendoUI Datasource. Data must be retrieved using report API methods such as getRange or getCalculatedRange.
asGrid : boolean
Specify if the data being passed is in the grid format.
columnList : object
JavaScript array of values that represent the columns of your data in order.
These values can not have any spaces or special characters in them
schema : object
A KendoUI Schema object that will be assiged as the schema for the datasource.
This method returns a KendoUI Datasource.
Example 1¶
In this simple example we are retrieving a range of data from the current report (this is hidden) and constructing a KendoUI Grid:
// Setup a PostRender binding
report.api.bind("postrender", function(){
// Get the column headings from the report
var columnHeadings = report.api.getValues("B2:M2");
// Get the data from the report in Grid format
var data = report.api.getRange("B3:M33", true);
// Create a schema for the data so that we can do things like formatting
var mySchema = {
Jan: {type: "number"},
Feb: {type: "number"},
Mar: {type: "string"},
Apr: {type: "string"},
May: {type: "string"},
Jun: {type: "string"},
Jul: {type: "string"},
Aug: {type: "string"},
Sep: {type: "string"},
Oct: {type: "string"},
Nov: {type: "string"},
Dec: {type: "string"}
// Get the KendoUI Datasource
var dataSource = report.api.getKendoDataSource(data, true, columnHeadings, mySchema);
// Build a KendoUI Grid in R1C1 using the data as a datasource
dataSource : dataSource
How to get Example 1 Working:
- Publish the worksheets below
- Add the above Javascript to the Javascript Asset on the report getKendoDataSource-Ex1-Main
- Save the Javascript and recalculate the report.
Example 2¶
In this example, we have wired up some Cube data with Member Pickers so that the report is dynamic and you can change the member selections in the report and see the grid update.
We pass a schema into the call to getKendoDataSource
so that we can get nicely typed data for formatting in the grid.
We are getting a bit fancy with the definition of the grid by providing specifics for aggregations, grouping, page sizes and formatting.
var ds;
var schema;
var dsHeading;
var dsData;
var asGrid = true;
var queryString;
// Retrieve the currently select members
queryString = report.api.getSelectedMembersEncoded();
// Retrieve the headings and data from the source report
dsData = report.api.getCalculatedRange("getKendoDataSource-Ex2-Data", "ProductData", asGrid, queryString);
dsHeading = report.api.getCalculatedValues("getKendoDataSource-Ex2-Data", "ReportHeadings");
// Define the schema to ensure that numbers are treated as numbers in the Grid
schema = {
fields: {
Category:{type: "string"},
Model:{type: "string"},
Product:{type: "string"},
Qty:{type: "number"},
Sales:{type: "number"},
GP:{type: "number"}
// Convert the returned data to a Kendo DataSource object
ds = report.api.getKendoDataSource(dsData, asGrid, dsHeading, schema);
// Define Initial Grouping for the DataSource
field: "Category", aggregates: [
{ field: "Product", aggregate: "count" },
{ field: "Qty", aggregate: "sum" },
{ field: "Sales", aggregate: "sum" },
{ field: "GP", aggregate: "sum" }
// Define Aggregations for the DataSource
{ field: "Product", aggregate: "count" },
{ field: "Qty", aggregate: "sum" },
{ field: "Sales", aggregate: "sum" },
{ field: "GP", aggregate: "sum" } ]
// Define PageSize for the DataSource
// Create the Kendo Grid from the DataSource
dataSource: ds,
groupable: true,
sortable: true,
selectable: "multiple cell",
filterable: true,
resizable: true,
reorderable: true,
pageable: {
refresh: true,
pageSizes: true
columns: [
field: "Category",
groupable: true,
width: 90,
title: "Category"
} , {
field: "Model",
groupable: true,
width: 90,
title: "Model"
} , {
width: 90,
field: "Product",
title: "Product",
footerTemplate: "Total Count: #=kendo.toString(count,'n0')#",
groupable: false,
aggregates: ["count"],
groupFooterTemplate: "Count: #= kendo.toString(count,'n0') #"
} , {
width: 90,
field: "Qty",
format: "{0:n0}",
title: "Qty",
template: "<span style='float:right'>#=kendo.toString(Qty,'n0')# </span>",
footerTemplate: "Total Sum: #=kendo.toString(sum,'n0')#",
groupable: false,
aggregates: ["sum"],
groupFooterTemplate: "Sum: #=kendo.toString(sum,'n0')#"
} , {
width: 90,
field: "Sales",
format: "{0:c}",
title: "Sales",
template: "<span style='float:right'>#=kendo.toString(Sales,'c')# </span>",
footerTemplate: "Total Sum: #=kendo.toString(sum,'c')#",
groupable: false,
aggregates: ["sum"],
groupFooterTemplate: "Sum: #=kendo.toString(sum,'c')#"
} , {
width: 90,
field: "GP",
format: "{0:c}",
title: "GP",
template: "<span style='float:right'>#=kendo.toString(GP,'c')# </span>",
footerTemplate: "Total Sum: #=kendo.toString(sum,'c')#",
groupable: false,
aggregates: ["sum"],
groupFooterTemplate: "Sum: #=kendo.toString(sum,'c')#"
{title: " ", width: "210px" }
How to get Example 2 Working:
- Publish both of the worksheets below
- Add the above Javascript to the Javascript Asset on the report getKendoDataSource-Ex2-Main
- Save the Javascript and recalculate the report.