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All the available CALUMO settings for the CALUMO Excel client are able to be retrieved from the VBA API.  They are as follows:

  • ClientVersion
  • ServerVersion
  • WebServer
  • KeepExcelAutoCalcOn
  • SupportEmail
  • ClientInstallationUrl
  • OffDomainDomainName
  • OffDomainUsername


The follow code gives an example procedure that will, when run, output these settings to the active sheet starting at cell A1 (see this in action - Example Workbook With Macro):

Sub TestCalumoSettings()

    Dim ClientVersion As String
    Dim ServerVersion As String
    Dim WebServer As String
    Dim KeepExcelAutoCalcOn As Boolean
    Dim SupportEmail As String
    Dim ClientInstallationUrl As String
    Dim OffDomainDomainName As String
    Dim OffDomainUsername As String

    With Application.COMAddIns("Calumo.ExcelClient").Object
        ClientVersion = .ClientVersion()
        ServerVersion = .ServerVersion()  '-- This is the last detected server version - it will not requery
        WebServer = .WebServer()
        KeepExcelAutoCalcOn = .KeepExcelAutoCalcOn()
        SupportEmail = .SupportEmail()
        ClientInstallationUrl = .ClientInstallationUrl()
        OffDomainDomainName = .OffDomainDomainName()
        OffDomainUsername = .OffDomainUsername()
    End With

    Range("A1").Value = "Client Version"
    Range("B1").Value = ClientVersion

    Range("A2").Value = "Server Version"
    Range("B2").Value = ServerVersion

    Range("A3").Value = "Web Server"
    Range("B3").Value = WebServer

    Range("A4").Value = "Keep Excel Auto Calc On"
    Range("B4").Value = KeepExcelAutoCalcOn

    Range("A5").Value = "Support Email"
    Range("B5").Value = SupportEmail

    Range("A6").Value = "Client Installation Url"
    Range("B6").Value = ClientInstallationUrl

    Range("A7").Value = "Off Domain Domain Name"
    Range("B7").Value = OffDomainDomainName

    Range("A8").Value = "Off Domain Username"
    Range("B8").Value = OffDomainUsername


End Sub
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