Number Formating¶
The formatting of numbers on axis uses a simple formatting scheme where you can use the following:
n - Number formatting
c - Currency formatting
p - Percentage formatting
e - Exponential formatting
For all of these, you can use the letter followed by a number to specify the decimal places used:
n3 will give you 1,123.456 where n1 will give you 1,123.5
There is also some simple custom formatting options available that work in the same way as Excel number formats.
0 (zero) to specific a digit or zero will show:
The number 123.1 when used with the format 0000 will show 0123
# (hash) to specify a digit placeholder:
The number 123.1, when used with the format #### will show 123
. (full stop) to specify the decimal placeholder
, (comma) to specify the group/thousands seperator
% (percent sign) to specify the number is a percent and it will bemultiplied by 100 and have a percent sign placed at the end
$ (dollar sign) to specify the number is currency
; (semi-colon) to specify the delimit the positive and negative formats
You can mix these up so the number 1000321.456 using the format $#,###.0# would give you $1,000,321.46