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Member Explorer Toolbar

The Member Explorer has a set of actions to help you show, find, filter, select and navigate around your hierarchy. Most of these actions are performed using the actions available on the Member Explorer toolbar.


Load All mex_toolbar_loadall

Loads all members of the hierarchy into the tree up to the maximum specified by the server configuration

Load Default mex_toolbar_loaddefault

Load the default member of the hierarchy into the tree

Keep Selected mex_toolbar_keep

Keep the currently selected member(s)

Remove Selected mex_toolbar_remove

Remove the currently selected member(s)

Show All mex_toolbar_showall

Show all descendants of the currently selected member(s)

Show Leaves mex_toolbar_showleaves

Show only the leaves of the currently selected member(s)

Insert Parent mex_toolbar_insertparents

Insert the parents of the currently selected member(s)

Sort mex_toolbar_sort

Sort the visible members.


This button will cycle you through the sort options in the following order:

  • Unsorted
  • Ascending (With the hierarchy broken)
  • Ascending (With the hierarchy structure in-tact)
  • Descending (With the hierarchy broken)
  • Descending (With the hierarchy structure in-tact)

Add To Cart mex_toolbar_addalltocart

Add all of the currently selected member(s) to the cart

Undo mex_toolbar_undo

Undo your last action

Redo mex_toolbar_redo

Redo the last action that was undone

MDX Mode mex_toolbar_mdx

View or edit the MDX that makes up the current set of members, see MDX Mode

Manage Subsets mex_toolbar_subsets

Manage subsets for this hierarchy, see Working with Subsets

Calculated Members mex_toolbar_calculatedmembers

Manage the Calculated Members for this hierarchy, see Calculated Members

Search for members in the current hierarchy.

Filter mex_filter_icon

Use filters to quickly set the Member List to a certain level or levels in your hierarchy, see Filtering Members

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