The getCalculationId method calculates a report in the background and returns an id for the calculation result. The id can then be used by the other API to get data from that calculation result.
getCalculationId (reportName, queryString, isPrivate, publisher)
reportName : string
The name of the report to be calculated.
queryString : string
Any additional query string arguments to be passed to the report for calculation.
Default value: ""
isPrivate : boolean
Specify if the report is private.
Default value: false
publisher : string
If the report is private, specify the login id of the user that published it.
Default value: ""
The result of this function is numeric value representing the calculation id.
The following code will call back to the server and calculate the named report and then retrieve data from it, without ever rendering that report.
// Example 1 - Calculate the named public report.
var calcId1 = report.api.getCalculationId("MyTestReport");
// Example 2 - Calculate the named private report
var calcId2 = report.api.getCalculationId("MyTestReport", "", true, "sgibbs");
// Example 3 - Calculate a public report with additional parameters
var queryString = "[Date].[Date].%26[2]&R1C3=Yesterday"
var calcId3 = report.api.getCalculationId("MyTestReport", queryString);