The getRanges method calculates a report in the background and returns the values from a given array of ranges.
getRanges (ranges, calculationId)
ranges : object
This argument is an array of ranges to return. A range can be specified in any of the following formats:
- A1 reference
- R1C1 reference
- A1:B6 reference
- Named range
The format of this argument is a JavaScript string array:
["A1:B2", "G3:H7"]
calculationId : number
If empty, this will get the range values being asked for from the current report’s last calculation.
If an id is specified, then it will use the results from that calculation.
The result of this will be a JSON object that has the following sample structure:
"R1C1" : "123",
"R1C2" : "Hello",
"R2C1" : "$12,000.00",
// Example 1 - Retrieve ranges A1:B5 and the Named Range 'MyNamedRange' from current reports last calculation
var values1 = report.api.getRanges(["A1:B5", "MyNamedRange"]);
// Example 2 - Calculate another report and then retrieve ranges A1:B5 and the Named Range 'MyNamedRange' from it
var calcId = report.api.getCalculationId("MyTestReport");
var values2 = report.api.getRanges(["A1:B5", "MyNamedRange"], calcId);