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Release Highlights - 2024.1

Job Management

Calumo now offers users the capability to efficiently monitor the status of SQL Server agent jobs directly from the user interface. This includes the ability to initiate, halt, and review job histories and schedules seamlessly within Calumo.

Additionally, users can conveniently access detailed job descriptions directly through the Calumo UI, significantly streamlining their workflow and saving valuable time and effort.

Learn more about Job Management. For Technical Details on Job Management

In-depth Logging

It refers to the practice of capturing detailed information about the operation of a system or application. It involves recording various types of data related to events, errors, transactions, user interactions, and performance metrics. In-depth logging is crucial for troubleshooting issues, analyzing behavior In Server logs Page.

SQL Server Upgrade 2022

CALUMO has now been certified to run SQL Server 2022 For More Information feel free to visit SQL Server

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