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The CINFO formula is used to retrieve one of the following data items from the report currently running:

  • AppURL
  • CalumoURL
  • ClientTimezoneOffset
  • EditableTableURL
  • HostName
  • IsMobile
  • ReportName
  • ReportURL
  • ReportURLWithQueryString
  • UserFileURL
  • UserInGroup
  • UserName
  • ViewURL


CINFO (Arg1, Arg2…Arg20)


Arg1 : string (required)

Specify the value of the first argument.


The full URL to a CALUMO App.

The 2nd argument for this function will be the name of the app.


The full URL of the CALUMO host server.


The timezone offset integer for the client, e.g. If you are running in Australian Eastern Daylight Time, this will be 10.


The full URL to a CALUMO Editable Table.

The 2nd argument for this function will be the name of the editable table.


Name of the CALUMO host server.


Returns true if the user is on a mobile/phone device. Note this does not include tablets eg iPads.


Name of the current report.


URL of the current report, or another report if Arg2 is set (to another report name).

The 2nd argument for this function will be the name of the report.


The full URL used by the current report including the querystring parameters (only works for a Published Report).


The full URL to download a CALUMO User File of the given name.

The 2nd argument for this function will be the name of the user file that was uploaded without the extension.


“True” or “False”.

The remaining argument(s) for this function will be the name of the Group(s). The very last Arg can be “ANY” or “ALL” (the default is ANY) to specify whether the current user must be in ALL groups listed or ANY.


The current user in the format: DOMAIN\username.


The full URL to a CALUMO View of the given id.

The 2nd argument for this function will be the id of the CALUMO View.

Arg2 : string

This argument is for the case where Arg1 requires it - such as in the case of Arg1 being “AppURL” or “UserInGroup”. For “AppURL”, the name is specified here. For “UserGroup” all Args starting from Arg2 are groups - this can also be ANY/ALL, which is last if specified (default is ANY).

ArgN : string

Any further arguments that may be required or optional (currently only UserInGroup has optional multiple arguments).


  • CINFO(“AppURL”, “All Reports”) - Returns the URL of the App named “All Reports”, if it doesn’t exist, it will still create the URL, but it won’t be valid.
  • CINFO(“ReportName”) – Returns the name of the current report.
  • CINFO(“ReportURL”) – Returns the URL of the current report.
  • CINFO(“ReportURL”, “Name of Report”) – Returns the URL of the report named in the 2nd argument.
  • CINFO(“ReportURLWithQueryString”) – Only works for a Published Report, and will return the full URL used by the current report including the querystring parameters.
  • CINFO(“UserFileURL”, “My Pdf File”) - returns the URL of the User File named “MyPdfFile”, if it doesn’t exist, it will still create the URL, but it won’t be valid.
  • CINFO(“UserInGroup”, “Administrators”) - returns “True” if current user is in group “Administrators”.
  • CINFO(“UserInGroup”, “Administrators”, “Finance”) - returns “True” if current user in is in either Administrators or Finance groups (ie default for last Arg is ANY).
  • CINFO(“UserInGroup”, “Group1”, “Group2”, ALL) - returns “True” if current user is in both Group1 and Group2 (ie all groups listed must be matched).
  • CINFO(“Username”) – Returns the username of the current user in the format, DOMAIN[username].
  • CINFO(“ViewURL”, 3) – Returns the URL of the CALUMO View ID specified in the 2nd argument. In this case, it will return the URL of View 3.
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