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Application Settings

The core set of configuration for CALUMO can be managed from the CALUMO Server Configuration page in the Administration section of the CALUMO Website.

To change a setting, enter the new value in the relevant field and the press TAB or click out of the field and the page will detect that you have made a change, flag the item that was changed and offer to Save or Cancel the change as shown in the screen shot below.


You can make multiple changes at once.


The following details the settings that can be configured in CALUMO along with their defaults and whether they are editable in the Server Configuration UI or only via modification directly in the CALUMO database.

Active Directory Connection (LDAP)

The connection string used for to connect to your Active Directory via LDAP.

Active Directory (LDAP) Password

The password for the Active Directory account used to perform lookups as users login.

Active Directory (LDAP) Username

The username of the Active Directory account used to perform lookups as users login.

Allowed Upload File Types

The list of allowed file extensions that can be uploaded into CALUMO using the Upload File functionality in the Library.

Default: 3g2, 3gp, avi, csv, doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, m4a, m4v, mov, mp3, mp4, mpg, odt, ogg, ogv, pdf, png, pps, ppsx, ppt, pptx, tab, tif, tiff, txt, wav, wmv, xls, xlsx, zip

Analytics Process Interval

The duration (in seconds) between processing/sending analytic events.

Default: 60


This setting is only editable directly in the CALUMO Database.

Cache Default Expiry (mins)

The time (in minutes) that a cached item without an explicit expiration time will live in the cache for.

Default: 5

Cache Max Size (MB)

The maximum size the cache is allowed to get to (in megabytes) before it will start expiring the oldest items from the cache to regain space.

Default: 500


This setting is only used when the cache type is InMemory.

Cache Type

The type of cache to use. Valid cache types are InMemory or Redis. You can not use the cache type InMemory if you are load balancing your CALUMO Website or you are running more than one IIS worker process.

Default: InMemory

Cache Type Connection String

The connection string to use to connect to the cache type selected. NOTE: InMemory will ignore this value as it is not required.

Client Timeout

The timeout (in seconds) that the CALUMO Office client will wait for a response from the server.

Default: 60

Create Thumbnails

Whether or not to create thumbnails of assets for use on the recent view.

Default: false


The culture that CALUMO requests will run under by default. This can be overridden on a per-user basis.

Default: en-AU

Default Domain

The default domain name that user account will sign in using when CALUMO is running in Forms Authentication mode.

Drill Through Rows

The maximum number of rows returned after a drill-through operation.

Default: 250


This setting determines the mode that the CALUMO Website runs in. In ‘Production’ mode, all optimisations are turned on and the Website is geared for performance. In ‘Development’ mode, all optimisations are turned off and the Website is geared for debugging and detailed issue resolution.

Default: production


This is purely a debug setting and should not be set to true unless directed by CALUMO Support.

Forms Auth Disable Remember Me

When CALUMO is running in Forms Authentication mode, this setting determines whether users are allowed to use the “Remember Me” options for saving their credentials.

Default: false

Keep Logs For

Default: 30

The number of days to keep log entries in the database before purging.

Keep Temp Images For

Default: 1

The number of hours to keep temporary images generated by CALUMO.

Max Member Count

Default: 1

The maximum number of members returned in a single query.

Office Client Installation Location

Default: ClientInstall/CALUMO OfficeClient.exe

The location of the office client installation file on the CALUMO Server. Set to no value to hide the Download Client link for users. Note: This setting can be changed if you want to relocate this file to a more central location for your users.

OLAP Base Http Connection Authentication Password

The password of the account with administration access to the OLAP server being connected to via HTTP(s).

OLAP Base Http Connection Authentication User ID

The username of the account with administration access to the OLAP server being connected to via HTTP(s).

OLAP Base Http Connection String

Default: Provider=MSOLAP.3;MDX Compatibility=2;

The base connection string to use when connecting to an OLAP server via HTTP(s).

OLAP Base Connection String

The default connection string for connecting to SQL Server Analysis Services. Read about the Olap Connection String Defaults.

Default: Integrated Security=SSPI;Provider=MSOLAP.3;SSPI=NTLM;MDX Compatibility=2;Optimize Response=2;

OLAP Cache Build Wait

The number of minutes the process will wait to complete caching before erroring out.

Default: 2

OLAP Cache Expiry

The number of minutes between OLAP Cache refresh actions.

Default: 1

Profile nHibernate

Turn on profiling for nHibernate (will severely reduce system performance). Note: This is purely a debug setting and should not be set to true unless directed by CALUMO Support.

Default: false


This setting is only editable directly in the CALUMO Database and should only be enabled if directed to do so by CALUMO Support.


The default CALUMO web site protocol. Note: This setting will need to be changed if you are using HTTPS.

Default: http


This setting is only editable directly in the CALUMO Database.

Published Reports Cache Timeout

The amount of time (in minutes) that a single calculation of a CALUMO Published Report will stay in the Report Cache before being purged.

Default: 60

Published Reports Cached Mode

Whether or not the Published Report calculation engine will cache and re-use the cached calculation each time.

Default: true

Query Logging OLAP Duration Threshold

The duration (in milliseconds) before a given OLAP query will log to the Query Log.

Use -1 to have all OLAP queries logged


Setting this value to -1 is not advisable for more than a few minutes at a time as the logging of this volume of queries can cause a performance impact on your CALUMO and Database servers

Default: 250

Query Logging SQL Duration Threshold

The duration (in milliseconds) before a given SQL query will log to the Query Log.

Use -1 to have all SQL queries logged


Setting this value to -1 is not advisable for more than a few minutes at a time as the logging of this volume of queries can cause a performance impact on your CALUMO and Database servers

Default: 250

Report Image Capture Load Wait

The number of seconds the image capture process will wait for a report to return from the server before moving on to the next stage. The process will not wait for the entire length if the report returns from the server before the time has expired.

Default: 30

Report Image Capture Post Load Wait

The number of seconds the image capture process will wait once a report has returned from the server before moving on to the next stage to allow assets such as images to be downloaded from the server. This entire duration is waited for and it is recommended this not be more than 5 seconds.

Default: 5

Report Image Capture Snapshot Wait

The maximum number of seconds the image capture process will wait for the report to finish rendering before taking the image to allow for dynamic items such as ReportParts or Charts to calculate. The process will not wait for the entire length if there are no dynamic items on the report or they have all registered as completed.

Default: 45

Scan Uploaded Files

Default: false

Enable files being uploaded into CALUMO to be saved to a temporary location on disk to enable passive or active virus scanning. Files with a detected threat will not be uploaded.

For details on the two different modes and the way to configure anti-virus scanning on your CALUMO Webserver, read more here

Scan Uploaded Files Check Duration

Default: 60

A configurable threshold (in seconds) that will wait for the scanning process to complete before trying to access the file to see if it has been quarantined. Depending on your anti-virus tool, this threshold might need to be as long as 60 seconds.

Scan Uploaded Files External Executable

The preferred scanning option is the use of an external CLI tool. This is the path to the command line executable for the anti-virus tool to be used to perform the scan.

Scan Uploaded Files External Arguments

The command line arguments to be passed to the executable when run. The value “@filepath@” will be replaced with the temporary file to be scanned.

Site Name

Default: specified during installation

The current virtual directory for this instance of CALUMO.


This setting is only editable directly in the CALUMO Database.

Slice Changes to MDX At (cells)

The number of cells in a view at which the slice will automatically change to be a CGETMDX based slice for increased performance.

Default: 2000

Slice Cells Max (cells)

The maximum number of cells that can be created from a slice.

Default: 20

SMTP Email From Address

The email address to make emails sent from CALUMO.

SMTP Server Password

The password for the SMTP server connection.

SMTP Server Port

The port for the SMTP server connection

SMTP Server

The address of the SMTP server.

SMTP Connect with TLS

Whether or not to use a TLS connection when connecting to the SMTP server.

SQL Base Connection String

The base SQL Server connection string that CALUMO will use.


This setting is only editable directly in the CALUMO Database.

Stored Procedure Command Timeout

Sets the command timeout for stored procedures called by CALUMO.

Default: 60

Stored Procedure Max (rows)

The maximum number of rows to be returned from a stored procedure.

Default: 50

Stored Procedure No Cross Join Return Value

The value to return to stored procedures if the Cross Join All flag is off and the required conditions are met for not performing a cross join.

Default: 0

Stored Procedure Writeback Timeout (sec)

The default timeout for a stored procedure to finish executing.

Default: 30

Support Email

The support email that will be used inside the application when people click “Send to CALUMO”. This can be replaced by any email, such as your companies internal IT Help Desk for first level troubleshooting.


Suppress Client Update Notifications

Whether or not the CALUMO Office Client will prompt its users that it is out of date and needs to be updated. You would want to set this to true if you are rolling the client out via a tool like SCCM or if you deploy the client via Citrix.

Default: false

Tabular Deployment Servers

A list of Analysis Services Tabular servers that you want to make available as deployment sources for Power Pivot models from the CALUMO Excel Client.

Temp Image Cleanup (hours)

The number of hours an image generated from a given calculation of a Published Report will be cached for on the server.

Default: 30

View Cache Cells Max

The maximum number of cells in the view query result that we will cache before we move to a live query for subsequent pages.

Default: 1000

Views Cache Results

Whether or not to cache subsequent pages of view result sets on the server.

Default: true

View Columns

The max number of columns that will be displayed in a CALUMO View.

Default: 100

View Rows

The max number of rows that will be displayed in a CALUMO View.

Default: 5

Legacy Settings

These settings are no longer used in the current version of CALUMO and are here for informational purposes only.

Dimension Maintenance Enabled

Legacy - this is no longer required as of CALUMO 12.1.4+. Whether or not the dimension maintenance button is enabled in the CALUMO Excel Client

Default: false

Dimension Maintenance Report Name

Legacy - this is no longer required as of CALUMO 12.1.4+. The CALUMO Report name that is providing dimension maintenance functionality.

OLAP Servers

Legacy - This is no longer used as of CALUMO 2020.1.2 - The list of Analysis Services servers, separated by a pipe

e.g. "\instancename |"

Super User Admin Password

Legacy - The backup admin password CALUMO.

Super User Admin Name

Legacy - The admin user name.

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